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Santanayshwor Mahadev – सन्तानेस्वर महादेव

santaneshwore mahadev

सन्तानेस्वर महादेवले भक्तालु  नारीहरुलाई सन्तानको बरदान दिन्छन् |

Santanaysvor Mahadev: the deity is for making women fertile, and for making better future for children. Location: Kathmandu Maru, and Jharuvarasi Village in Lalitpur.

The deity helps
•    Women in having children;
•    Parents in having their children’s better future.

Women and parents pledge ‘bhakal’ offering
•    Regular puja comprising holy water, flower, rice, amber or vermillion, and wicks soaked in oil;
•    Belpatra, dhaturo, a piece of yellow cloth, grains of buckwheat, black sesame seeds, fruits, and flowers;
•    Special puja called ‘rudri’.

Monday is the day for making offerings to Lord Mahadev. Every Monday in Sravon month is a special day for making offerings to Lord Shiva. Women make offerings to Lord Shiva on every Monday in Sravon for having the spouses of their choice and for the long lives of their husbands.

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