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Gobardhan Puja – Goru puja

Deepawali lights

Performing the body worship called ‘Mha Puja’ on the evening, the Newar community celebrates the first day of the lunar bright fortnight (kartik krishna pachaya) of Kartik (October/November) as the New Year following the Nepal Samvat (Nepal calendar). This is the fourth day of the five-day light festival, Deepwali in NEpal.

Other communities particularly the farmers’ communities perform the ‘goru puja’ means ‘ox worship’ appreciating the contribution of oxen to plowing the farmland.  This is also called gobardhan Puja.

Groups of men go from one house to another singing ‘deusi’ songs. Every household offers a special tray of food grains according to the tradition but currently households offer cash on top of food and grains.

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