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Ichangu Narayan – इचंगु नारायण

Ichangu Narayan

Ichangu Narayan is one of the four Narayans located on the four corners of the Kathmandu Valley. Four Narayans are 1) Ichangu, 2) Changu, 3) Visankhu, and 4) Sesa (Sikhara) in the clockwise direction. They are for the protection the valley from evil spirits.

Ichangu remained under the debris fallen from the adjoining hill as Jalasayana popularly known as Budhanilkantha did for many years. Then, Ichangu came in the dream of a devotee that uncovered Ichangu.

Some scholars believe that Ichangu is from the early centuries but others believe that the image of Ichangu is of the late Malla period begining in the 12th century and ending in the 18th century.

The two-storey temple of Ichangu Narayan is at about three kilometers northwest of Svoyambhu shrine in Kathmandu. The temple is modest in comparison to the importance of the deity.

Narayan is the generic name of Lord Vishnu. Ichangu is one of the thousands names of Lord Vishnu.

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