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Jamaleswor Mahadev at Ranipokhari

ranipokhari on bhaitika

The last day of the five-day Tihar festival is the day for worshipping brothers by their sisters.  But, if you don’t have sisters or brothers, you have an option to go worship at the Jamaleshwore temple or Ranipokhari temple.

Jamaleswore Mahadev is at the center of Ranipokhari pond in Kathmandu; who substitutes both for sisters and brothers. Jamalesvor acts as sisters to men, and brothers to women. So, both men and women not having sisters and brothers visit Jamalesvor on the day 5th day of Tihar to perform Bhai Tika.

Making offerings to Jamalesvor, brothers earn as much of merits as from the sisters performing Bhai Tika, while sisters also earn the merits of performing the brother worship.

A small white sikhara style temple of Jamalesvor Mahadev at the center of Ranipokhari is open only once a year on the day of Bhai Tika to the public for visiting and performing brother worship.

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