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Kaag Puja – काग पुजा २०७०

Kag puja

Kag Puja

काग पुजा २०७०

The thirteenth day of the lunar dark fortnight (kartik krishna pachaya) of Kartik (October/November) is the first day of ‘yampancha’ or ‘tihar’, different names of the five-day-light festival. Nepalis make offerings of good foods to crows on the rooftops on this day called ‘kaag puja’ meaning crow worship.

Nepalis believe that crows are the messengers of the ‘Yam Raj’: the deity of the dead. We believe that whenever a black bird crows at someone’s window or on the rooftop means the bird is bringing messages that might be good or bad ones.

Ayurvedic physicians mark this day as the anniversary of Dhanavontari that gave birth to the ancient doctrine of herbal treatments for different diseases. This doctrine is called the fifth Veda called Ayurveda.

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