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Santanayshwor Mahadev – सन्तानेस्वर महादेव

santaneshwore mahadev

सन्तानेस्वर महादेवले भक्तालु  नारीहरुलाई सन्तानको बरदान दिन्छन् | Santanaysvor Mahadev: the deity is for making women fertile, and for making better future for children. Location: Kathmandu Maru, and Jharuvarasi Village in Lalitpur. The deity helps •    Women in having children; •    Parents in having their children’s better future. Women and parents pledge ‘bhakal’ offering •  

ऋषि पञ्चमि Rishi Panchami: Fifth Day Of Rishis (holy men)

On the fifth day of the lunar bright fortnight (Bhadra sukla panchami) in Bhadra (August/Sept), Nepalese Hindu women celebrate the final day of ‘teej’ festival by taking a holy bath and then making offerings to Lord Shiva, and then seven Rishis. In the early morning, women go to the nearest water sources, and brush their

Bhimsen (god of success in commerce & industry) Jatra

Bhimsenthan in Mangal Bazar in Patan

  Bhimsena is the deity of commerce and industry, and of fortunes. The Newar community in general and the business community in particular revere the deity for good business.  On the midnight of the ninth day of the lunar dark fortnight in Bhadra (Bhadra Krishna pachaya), August/Sept, the Bhimsena jatra (festival or outing of Bhimsen)

बुवाको मुख हेर्ने दिन – Father’s Day In Nepal

nepal father's day sweets

Nepalis celebrate the Father’s Day (बुवाको  मुख हेर्ने दिन ) on the no moon day of the lunar dark fortnight in Bhadra (Bhadra Krishna pachaya), August/Sept every year. Sons and daughters visit their fathers with sweets and gifts to celebrate the father’s day. Usually there is a big family gathering at the parent’s house on