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Kamal Vinayak: the deity of teaching children to speak

Kamal Vinayak

Kamal Vinayak: the deity of teaching children to speak. Location: East of Bhaktapur.

The deity helps
•    Children to speak when they are unable to do so even after the due period of speak;
•    Devotees to have success in their businesses;
•    Devotees to heal any sorts of ailments.

Devotees pledge to ‘bhakal’ of making offerings of
•    Regular puja comprising holy water, flower, rice, amber or vermillion, and wicks soaked in oil;
•    Regular puja plus ladoos (sweet balls especially made of sesame seeds and raw sugar, and 108 is the auspicious number to offer)
•    Regular puja plus offering of a male goat;
•    Regular puja plus offerings of ‘lakh-vati’ lighting of 125,000 wicks soaked in oil.

Parents take the child unable to speak to the shrine of Kamal Vinayak, and then make offerings as pledged, and then leave the child alone there for some time.

The days of the deity: Tuesdays and Saturdays however any day is good for making offerings to the deity.

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