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Kartik nach in Patan

Kartik Naach 2013

‘Kartik nach’ is a special dance performed in Patan previously for the whole month Kartik (October-November).  It was interrupted for some years due to the lack of funding; recently, it has been performed for a week once a year, thanks to funding from the US embassy.

The dance depicts the story of how Lord Vishnu incarnated as a half lion half human called Narsimha and killed Hiranya Kasipu immediately after the sunset for protecting his son Prahald, a devotee of Lord Vishnu. Hiranya Kasipu has the boon of none of the humans, animals or birds can kill him at any time of day or night.

King Siddhi Narsimha Malla of Patan introduced this dance. He himself performed the character of Narsimha. Currently, the priest at the Krishna Mandir belonging to the family of Rajopadhaya performs the character of Narsimha; the family member of Chitrakar plays the role of Hiranya Kasipu. Other family members of different castes play the roles of different characters.

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