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Surya Vinayak: the deity of teaching children to walk

surya vinayak templa

Surya Vinayak: the deity of teaching children to walk. Location: South of Bhaktapur.

The deity helps
•    Children to walk unable to walk even after the due period of walking;
•    Devotees to have success in their businesses;
•    Devotees to heal any sorts of ailments.

Devotees pledge to ‘bhakal’ of making offerings of
•    Regular puja comprising holy water, flower, rice, amber or vermillion, and wicks soaked in oil;
•    Regular puja plus ladoos (sweet balls especially made of sesame seeds and raw sugar, and 108 is the auspicious number to offer)
•    Regular puja plus offering of a male goat;
•    Regular puja plus offerings of ‘lakh-vati’ lighting of 125,000 wicks soaked in oil.

The days of the deity: Tuesdays and Saturdays however any day is good for making offerings to the deity.

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