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Chino Matching for Marriage

Chino reading

Chino matching is a nuptial compatibility test based on astrological calculations.  It is done by Hindu astrologers trained to read Chinos.

Chino is also known as Janma Kundli in Hindi and Jata in Newari.  Chinos are typically written soon after birth, however they can be written many years after as well.  Hence it is never too late to have your or your family’s Chino written. (Go to Bhakal.com for more info on getting a Chino written)

The most common way to measure nuptial compatibility is by reading a bride and a groom’s Chinos and coming up with a compatibility score.  However, a degree of compatibility of a bride and a groom can also be checked without reading their Chinos if the birth-date and a precise birth-time are available.   Based on the birth-date and the birth-time, the astrologers calculate compatibility score of the bride and the groom.  The compatibility score ranges from 0 to 36.  Score of 16 or higher is good enough for a marriage, however, couples getting scores below 16 can still get married after performing pujas (Hindu worship) that are recommended by the astrologers.

Bhakal.com has a service not only to have your Chino read and Chino matching done for nuptial compatibility, but also to have your or your family’s Chino written.

Also, Chino is read not just for a match making purpose but also for determining one’s fortune or impending misfortunes.  However, one should understand that these astrological readings and predictions do not have any scientific basis, hence one should be cautious and take the advice of an astrologer at their own risk.  Please read Bhakal.com’s disclaimer on Astrological readings done thru Bhakal.com.

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